Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Week 11 First Transfer Down!

Transfer week is this week but nothing happens to our whole district except one hermana going home! Im glad that its the same because Im still trying to get settled in! We went to the temple this week and it was so awesome! The houston temple is little but its so beautiful. The rule in our mission is we cant go to the temple without finding our own name from our family. So I found a name and did their work in the temple. I felt the spirit so strong and I realized how important temple work is. There is lots of people just waiting for us to do their temple work. I loved it and loved the spirit that I felt insider the lords home. Also I keep forgetting to tell everyone this haha but every tuesday and thursday we teach a free english class put on by the church to people who dont speak english. It is honestly so awesome and a great way to get to know the community. We also helped out with a food bank. It was so awesome to see a big section full of good ole Idaho Potatoes haha. I looked closer at the bag and saw that it was a farm in Pingree that Pops and I drove by that he says he knows. I was so excited to have a little glimpse of home. Anyways, everything is going great. My trainer is really helping me to become the best missionary I can be and Im growing a lot. We are doing an english fast this week so please pray for me haha. Love you all and thank you for the support! Que pase buena semana.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Week 10 Hi everyone!

Buenas tardes a todos. Hows everything going? Everything here is great. We taught a ton of lessons this week but the only problem with that is that we wont have much for the upcoming weeks so this week we are really going to focus on knocking doors. Im excited to meet some new people that the lord has prepared for my companion and I! We had a cool experience this week where we were leaving a members apartment and a lady came up to us crying saying she needed god and needed direction in her life. She told us about her past and she has had a very rough life. She said that it was so weird that we happened to be there at that time because she has been praying for a sign that god is there.Another sign that god is there for everyone and answers everyone's prayers. She is so willing to learn and ready to make the changes necessary. We gave a soft baptismal invitation and her and her son said they would absolutely love to be baptized. She is English though and we dont know her ward very well so we are going to refer her over to the English elders! They just got two free baptisms haha. Anyways everything is going great and I love my mission so much. There is nothing I would rather be doing. Love you all. Have a good week.
Elder Cammack 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 9 Straight Outta Houston

Everything here is going so good! I have been thinking about the power of prayer a lot this week. It may seem so small and simple but it truly is so powerful. Heavenly Father hears all of our prayers and answers every single one of them. Im so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father to rely on. I cant believe that summer is almost over. I feel like summer just started and I was leaving for the MTC! Time flies out here. We have been trying our best to progress a couple of our investigators. La familia Fuentes still wont get married so its make or break for them. Also the lady that we had a baptismal date with wont come to church and her husband doesnt like the idea of us meeting with her so we can only meet with her once a week. We have been praying hard that their hearts will be softened and they will see the importance of these things. Elder Jones is helping me learn so much spanish and how to be a great teacher. I couldn't have asked for a better trainer! love you all! Thank you for all the prayers and support. Have a good week!

Elder Cammack

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

week 8 Fuego

The Texas heat got to me a couple times this week haha. It was about 105 everyday this week with 90% humidity. I'm weirdly kinda getting used to it though. Its hot just all the time and you never get away from it. but anyways, we have a family that is so ready for baptism. They go to church every week and love it. Their 9 year old son has a part in the primary program but they aren't even members yet haha. The only thing holding them back is the parents are not married. They don't want to get married because the mom is illegal from El Salvador and is too scared to put her name on records so she doesn't get taken back to her country. We will keep praying that they can follow through. Elder Jones has been helping me a ton with Spanish. He obsessed with the language and knows like all the countries Spanish. I'm trying to learn all i can from him. I'm starting to really love Spanish. I'm learning more and more each day. I never realized how hard English is until i started learning Spanish. The Book of Mormon is also so much more simple in Spanish. I love it. I have my first zone conference tomorrow. We all have to prepare talks and they randomly choose. My area is the poorest area in my mission. Its crazy what conditions people live in. The people are so humble and I'm so glad I can be here to give them the happiest thing they will ever receive in their life and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for all your support and I will talk to yall next week! My address is 7001 Northline drive Apt 204 Houston, TX 77076. Send letters here but send packages to the mission office. Peace 

Elder Cammack

Monday, August 1, 2016

week 7 Connor Cammack

One of the coolest miracles happened this week. One thing our mission just started doing was praying in front of a map on where heavenly father needs us to go. Elder Jones and I were at our apartment on Monday after P-day and we were praying and looking at the map, then we prayed again and looked again, again and again. Finally I said to him, "on the count of 3, point to the street you're thinking of." And on the count of 3 we both pointed to the same spot. (Jaycrest and Woodmoss St.) We looked at each other and immediately left and flew over to those streets and started looking. We were led to a door in this tiny little locked up trailer community, where the gate is always locked up but for some reason it was open this time. The very last door we knocked and a lady came right out and said, "you're looking for my husband, aren't you?" And we looked at each other and just said, "...uhh yeah!" And she said, he'll be back tomorrow, and also my sister wants to be baptized so maybe you can teach all of us. 
So it turned out that the couple, Hector and Reina, was baptized by our zone leader, Elder Pesci a little over a year ago. They hadn't been able to come to church because of work and family adjustments. But they were so excited to have us come over and teach their family again. We were also able to include their sister and her family who aren't members. Reina's sister's name is Sarah and all she desires is to find God's true church. (Just like Joseph Smith) She explained that she considered it quite a miracle that we had come at that time because she had been praying for an answer. And when we shared the story of how we found them, she recognized that is was a miracle from Heavenly Father. We were able to set my first baptismal goal with her for the 27th of August. We will also be able to see her every Monday and Thursday with a member.  

We also saw a ton of miracles this weekend at church! We had 6 investigators there! Martin Ruiz and his wife and grandson came, Kevin and Gonzalo were there and a student from our English class was there! The student from our English class stayed after class on Thursday and asked us where our church was because she is about to have a baby and she wants a church to go to with her husband and her baby. So she and her husband came and hopefully we can teach her and help her learn more and be baptized! 
Those are most of the exciting stories/investigators for this week. Elder Jones and I also spoke in church yesterday with the sister missionaries! I struggled with some words haha but I made it through. Elder Jones is helping me so much with the language and how to be a master teacher. He is the best companion ever and is such an example to me.

I love the Lord, I love Spanish, I love the Book of Mormon, I love you guys, I love the mission, I love teaching the gospel, and I love serving the Hispanic people of Houston, Texas! 

Alma 32:16
Elder Cammack