Monday, October 17, 2016

week 18 Me gustan las vacas

Hello everyone!! This was the first week out of training and it went really well! I got transferred to Sealy, TX. I live here in Sealy but I actually cover about 5 different towns about 30 minutes apart from each other. They are all just tiny southern country towns I love it so much! The only problem is we don't find as much Spanish out here so we end up teaching in English most the time. Looks like I gotta study even harder to keep my Spanish!! 
My companion is Elder Child from Ogden UT. He is a super nice/cool kid and we get along very well. We cover a little Spanish branch with about 30 people in it and we work a lot with the English branch as well. This week my old trainer Elder Jones called and said that our old investigator Rosa passed her baptismal interview and she will be baptized this coming Saturday!! I'm soooo excited for her. She is so ready to be baptized and we have seen soooo many miracles with her and it is all through the Book of Mormon! This area doesn't have a ton going on right now so we have to do a lot of work to bring it back up. I'm excited for the challenge and I'm gonna do my best to turn it around! Everything is going good and even though the mission gets hard at times, there is no place I would rather be. 

Thanks for all your support and I hope you have a great week! 

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